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Messages - Robert


Just traded a Springfield Armory XD .45 for this Ruger SR9c.

See bottom of this post for a photo of the XD .45 I traded away.

I had been trying to sell the SA .45 for a long time in several websites etc. I relisted it in armslist and got a trade offer. Was not looking at the Ruger SR9c before that, but after the trade offer I took a good hard look at it, read what people were saying, saw that people seemed to like it and for some good reasons so I decided to go ahead with the trade.

Value was roughly the same, I had 3 mags with the XD .45 and the Ruger came with 3 mags and was in great shape.

It seems people like the plastic guns in smaller 9mm versions and the XD .45 was not getting much attention. It is actually a little larger then a 1911 .45. as I have one and did a side by side comparison.

I thought since it was a 9mm and smaller, I might be able to sell it off a little more easy then the XD .45.

After I got it in my hands I begin to think I might like to hang on to it. Not sure about that as I have not shot it yet.

The mags come in 2 sizes, it came with two 17 round mags and one 10 round mag. The 17 round mags have a extension sleeve that makes them look a lot better. This makes it an 18 round gun, 17 in the mag and 1 in chamber. This makes it an ideal night stand/home defense gun fitted with the 17 round mag.

If I keep it, I will put a crimson trace laser on it also. I like lasers.

Concerning the sights, it has both wind-age and elevation adjustable rear site, a good thing, but no night sites.

One thing the Ruger has that I had previously wanted to get away from is a safety. I once owned a Glock and it took a long time for me to become OK with not having a safety but after seeing the other safety features and long trigger pull and reading how many times under the stress of the situation, cops using guns with safeties forgot to put the safety off in the heat of a gun fight. After that I got used to the idea of no safety and liked it.

Now with this Ruger, it does have a safety, so ?....

Reading up on it, the reviews said because the Ruger has a very crisp trigger with almost no take up, the safety was necessary as unlike a Glock, pull the trigger even a little and it goes BANG.

One thing that did help concerning the safety was this, when I held the gun out in a firing stance, I could reach up and flick the safety off easily with my thumb and not lose my firing grip on the gun. In other words should I forget to take the safety off, I can flick it off and fire pretty quickly. If I did have to bring the gun back down, adjust my grip or use my other hand to flick the safety off, no question this gun would not stay in my ownership.

After I got hold of it I put a snap cap in and tried the trigger and as I read in the reviews, it seems very good. I do like a good trigger so that was a great point that helped me liked the gun.

It also has a loaded chamber indicator, I did not like the "idea", but after I had the gun in hand, I decided I did like that. It also has an indicator to show the gun is cocked.

When I pick up the gun, I know it's status as loaded or not and cocked or not. Got to admit I do like that. I have handled this gun, put it away, next day opened the drawer and picked it up etc. After a few days I got a favorable impression of the loaded and cocked indicators.

If I teach my wife to use this gun, I know if I teach her to use these loaded and cocked indicators, she will probably like these features also.

A bad thing....

A mag must be inserted to fire the gun. Gun reviewers do not like this feature. This feature can be disabled ether by yourself or by a gunsmith. This gun I traded for has this feature disabled and will fire without a mag inserted. Why would they build it like this?, is this supposed to be a safety feature?

If your mag is low and you pull it to reload and the bad guy pops around the corner.... and you have to insert a mag before you can use the gun to defend yourself? Who's idea was this?

A gun is a deadly weapon, it should not be in your hand in a defense situation unless you know what your doing and how to use it, so why build it so it can be disabled if the mag gets removed?

What if you end up in a hand to hand close quarter battle and the gun gets banged around and the mag falls free? You have one round left in the gun and suddenly you get the chance to end the fight and shoot the bad guy...

But no, your gun has been disabled by some do good nanny mod that the lawyers made the manufacture put in, in a misguided attempt at safety? The only good thing about this feature is it can safely be disabled.

So the final decision - will I keep this gun will come after I shoot it. Been busy and have not gone to the range in a while, got to do that soon and get some rounds down range.

One thing i do have to say, this is one good looking gun specially with the 10 round mag. The photos don't do it justice. To see better photos Click here


XD .45 I traded away below

R51 General Discussion / Re: Buds reviews = good
September 24, 2016, 10:30:40 PM
I think the R51 is going to be a popular gun. There are a lot of people out there who will like it if for nothing else then it is all metal. If it proves reliable over the next year and gets general good reviews the sales will follow.

The buds review mentioned the plastic trigger, I think if some company comes out with a metal replacement trigger that is a bit wider and feels a bit better they will sell well.

One of the guns I own, a Kel-Tec PF9 has a metal replacement trigger available and it is a popular option for people to buy it, it is kind of a "must have" for Kel-Tec PF9 owners who are happy with the PF9 and use it regularly.

I am going to get one eventually, as long as my PF9 continues to be my main carry gun and it will be unless it becomes unreliable.

R51 General Discussion / Re: OK YOU SPAMMER Basterds
September 21, 2016, 01:36:56 PM
The people who post these spam links articles actually are just people from India or some third world country who are paid to do stuff like this.

Google ranks websites in many ways, one of those ways is how many links the website has from other websites.

Unscrupulous website promotion companies advertise to website owners how they can increase your rank in google so more people can find you.

After the website owners signs up and pays these guys, they farm out the work of posting thousands of links to the website owners website.

These third world forum spammers get paid something like a penny for every article/link they post.

This is why once they found out they can sign up and gain access here, they made up a bunch of user names and went to work posting their links.

Some poor bastard probably made 15 or 20 cents for posting the 20 or so articles with the link in them.

They hope the forum owner is not paying attention and does not catch the users/articles/links posted.

On many huge forums with hundreds of thousands of members and millions of post, it would be really hard to find all this stuff from these guys.

Forum members who see it will usually report it though, that is what several people did here.

This forum is small enough so I will find these guys myself though, but some times it would take me a few days.

In the end, many of the articles and links these guys post all around the internet stays up and does not get deleted so this actually works.

They also do replies to blogs as well as forum postings, though there is a really good system for blogs that rejects their spam post automatically. Unfortunately there is no such automatic system available for forums.

I know all this because I administrate over 100 websites of all types for myself and for customers. I do not accept new website customers any more as I am getting in to other types of things and do not wish to remain in the website business were I build websites for customers, though I will always keep my own sites online such as this site.

R51 General Discussion / OK YOU SPAMMER Basterds
September 19, 2016, 03:09:42 PM
HA, did you guys see the tidal wave of spam post, holy crap there was like 30 of em all posted in one day.

So unfortunately, since the "Spammers R US" spam mill has found us here, I have had to configure the forum for admin approval of all new members.

No choice really as this wave of spam had to stop.

So, new members who sign up please allow a bit of time for me to see the new member notice and approve you.

R51 General Discussion / Re: free essays about courage
September 17, 2016, 10:53:01 AM
Sorry guys, every once in a while a spammer will sign up and post something like this. Had 2 do it recently.

I try to stay on top of this stuff and check new members and new post every few days.

When I find these guys I remover their accounts and delete their post.

So, what is this crap? Forum spam, one of the bummer things that needs delt with when running a forum like this.

Introductions section / Re: Greetings!
September 07, 2016, 11:51:37 AM
Greetings tresmonos.

Thank you for signing up and the story.

People do not leave guns in the custody of your spouse if you are having issues or see problems on the horizon. Same thing happened to my son.

This is what storage companies are for. I know they are not really that secure, but, how secure is are your treasured guns, hunting and fishing gear?, all of this vanished from the house as soon as my son became separated from his ex wife.

She sold it not for the money but for the revenge because she knew how much it would piss off my son.

See marriage trouble coming?, go get yourself a small storage locker, wrap your guns in plastic wrap after oiling them up really well and then take them and your other valuable fishing and hunting gear, family photos etc and store them. Then make certain you have a very good lock and be sure to pay the storage bill.

This article will show you how to ad embed photos in your post.

There are 2 ways to ad photos to your post.

1. Adding as attachments - this way your photos are hosted on this site and will appear below your post in a list - but only for people who are members and who are logged in. Visitors who are not logged in will not see the photos.

2. Embedding photos in a post - with this method you can ad photos to your post as attachments, then embed the photo in your post. The second way to embed a photo in your post is to upload your photo to our photo gallery, then embed the photo in your post. Photos embedded in post can be seen be all people who visit this site no matter if they are logged in your not.

Please do not embed photos in your post that are hosted in other locations on the web, this leads to dead links if those photos ever get moved or deleted. If you frequent other forums perhaps you have seen this - dead photo links that have a graphic of a frog or something that says this photo has been deleted or the account the photo is from has been deleted. This really sucks - this is why we do not want photos embedded on this site that are hosted in other locations - we NEVER want to see those dead photo graphics here on this site, your cooperation on this will be much appreciated.

Lets get started.

Step 1, upload photos to your post as shown in our previous article on how to ad photos located here at this link:


After you upload your photos as attachments then come back here and follow these instructions if you wish to embed your photos in your post.

After uploading as attachment and saving/publishing your post, click on the photo attachment thumbnail below your post so it enlarges to full size.

Next right click on it and chose view image. The image will appear in your browser and you can see the image address in your web browser address bar.

Copy the image address from your browser address bar and then click on the modify post link at the top of your post.

Next place your curser in the location in your post that you want the embedded image to appear.

Next click on the "insert image" button on the top menu. To find this button slowly move your mouse curser over each button on the menu until you see the text that says "insert image" it should be the button to the left of the button that has the larger blue planet graphic.

You will see image tags appear in your post with the curser flashing in between them. Click the control button and the "V" button on your keyboard to past the image address in between the photo tags.

Note - embedded photos appear at full size in your post so keep this in mind.

Next save/publish your post, the embedded image will appear in your post where the image tags were placed.

Method number 2, navigate to our photo gallery and upload your photo there. Save/Publish it.

After you save/publish the photo, view it in your photo gallery, then right click on it and chose view photo. Copy the photo address as instructed in the section above, the follow the instructions in the section above to embed the photo in your post.


Photos - Remington R51 photos / How to ad photos
September 04, 2016, 10:00:39 AM
When you make a new post look down below the white box where you write your post, you should see a link called Attachments and other options.

(For reference see photo 1 below with arrow pointing to attachments link).

Click on attachments link to open it.

That will open it up and you will see a section below called Attach with a button called Browse.

(See photo 3 arrow "A" for reference below).

Click the Browse button and it will open up a box showing access to your hard drive.

You should at that point be able to find and select the photo you wish to upload. You should know where the photo is stored on your hard drive and how to find and select it. Note, if you need help to figure out how to find stored photos on your hard drive please google it as this is to large a subject to cover in this photos how to section about posting photos on this site

The photo should not be too large or it will not upload.

Important - if you wish to upload more then one photo look for the little link below the browse button that says (more attachments) and click it.

(see photo 3 and arrow "B" for reference below)

Another browse button will be added and you will need to click it to ad the 2nd photo, keep going to ad up to 10 photos.

I recommend adding photos 1 at a time, then going back and editing your post to ad more photos, why? If your photo is too large and you went through the trouble to ad multiple photos there could be a problem where all the photos will not be added so if you are sure your photos are not to large, ad multiple photos at once, other wise ad them 1 at a time and the re-edit your post.

To re-edit your post click on the "modify post" link up at the top of your post after it has been posted.

(See photo 2 with arrow for reference to find modify button to edit or modify your post after it has been posted)

Maximum number of attachments per post are 10.

There is another article on how to embed photos inside your post, not just below your post as attachments. If you would like to view that article follow this link:



NOTE - for those of you visiting this website but who are not members and who are not logged in, you will not be able to see the photos referenced below or any photos attached to any post because you are not logged in. In some cases you may be able to see embedded photos that have been attached, then embedded into post.
Introductions section / Re: New Member from Florida
September 04, 2016, 09:51:46 AM
Hello DanOh

Thanks for signing up. I got your email concerning posting photos, here is how to do it at the link below.


R51 General Discussion / Re: R51 not dead
August 25, 2016, 02:34:24 PM
Quote from: lincen on August 25, 2016, 04:31:51 AM
I was an early buyer of the first generation R51 and must have had one of the better ones. But after the voluntary recall I decided to take the R1-1911 in trade. It is a fine shooting handgun as well as the RM 380. Last week I bought the second generation R51 and must send it back to Remington. It is little more than a single shot pistol. Numerous FTE and FTF. Tried 4 types of factory ammo, two bullet weights, and both generation of magazines, same results. Now I'm not trashing the R51 as I want it to work for mainly a range gun with occasional carry duty.

Sorry to hear of your troubles with the new R51, hopfully remington will get it sorted out for you.

I'll probably end up waiting for a while for 2 reasons, one, I want to pay cash, not put it on my CC and so I know they have it sorted out. I'm just not in a hurry but I do fully intend to buy one.

I bought too many guns in 2015 and need to pay all that off before buying more.

WOW just checked and your right, 118.00 in my cart.

I definitely want one of these but I don't even have an R51 yet. Now I have a choice to buy the laser before the gun ha......

I have a laser on my Keltec P11 but it is not a crimson trace and the activation is via my finger pressing up against the trigger guard/laser housing and does not work as reliably as I want so I would like to replace this gun with a R51 with crimson trace laser. Just don't have the coin right now..... darn.

Post here if you buy one of these cheap Crimson Trace lasers from Grabagun!

General Discussion / Re: R51 Gen2 dry fire question
August 23, 2016, 05:19:37 PM
I agree with lklawson concerning most guns can handle it but to be on the safe side I always do use a snap cap. I have a Keltec PF9 and P11 so I got used to always using a snap cap.

I have some snap caps where I milled off the rim on one side so the ejector does not eject the snap cap so I can rack the slide and fire again on the PF9 and PF11.

I think they should sell snap caps that have half the rim removed just for these types of guns as chasing the dad burn snap caps across the floor kinda sucks, though my cat seems to enjoy it. If I could just get him to bring them back to me, that would be great.

R51 General Discussion / Re: R51 not dead
August 23, 2016, 12:44:02 PM
Nice to hear about new R51 guns being sold now.

I request photos from both of you.

If you have trouble posting photos you can email them directly to me and I'll post them for you, just be sure to tell me who you are, what your forum name is and the photo is for your forum post if you email me.

Email: ncwonline at gmail.com

Introductions section / Re: OK, here's my intro post
August 23, 2016, 12:40:51 PM
Thanks for signing up.

Saw your other post about getting your new R51and having a few hundred rounds through it.

I ask people to do an intro post right away as I get tons of spammers who sign up but don't post anything right away then come back later and post spam links to porn sites.

I just delete all the new members who have signed up but have no post once per week.

This mostly works to keep them out.

Introductions section / MOVED: R51 not dead
August 21, 2016, 11:26:24 PM