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Started by gtarp, January 15, 2020, 08:08:53 AM

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Greetings fellow forum members!
I am a newbie here.  I have  had a love affair with all guns most all of my life.  I started going huntin' with my granddad before I could walk through the woods!  He used to carry me on his shoulders as he would squirrel hunt along an East Texas creek bottom.  Later he raised "bird dogs" and we chased after Bobwhite's.  Always a small game hunter until college, at which time I got into a like long pursuit if whitetail deer, mule deer and now feral hogs.  I started reloading with a "Lee Loader" handloader when I was 9 yr. of age.  I have now been loading for shotgun, rifle and pistol for over 50 years.  I have a covered bench and rifle/pistol range in my backyard.  I love to bow hunt, both compound and crossbow, and hunt with handguns.  I killed with my first deer with a .41 Mag. Blackhawk back in 1976.
As I have aged and the times have changed I got into conceal carry back around the mid '90's when Texas implemented their CCW license.  I have maintained it to this day,  I am a Life member of the NRA since the 80's.  I enjoy shooting handguns with my wife and in the last couple of years have gotten into pouring my own lead bullets for hunting.  I recently bought my R51 9mm and have really grown to love this gun. 
I look forward to hearing what fellow R51 owners have to say about their guns and learning from y'all!


Welcome to the forum!  I'm also a lifelong Texan. I picked up reloading a few years ago and find it to be a very satisfying hobby.


Welcome fellow Texan. I can say "me too" to just about everything you mentioned. Been shooting and hunting since I was five. Retired a year ago from 30+ years in law enforcement. I just bought my first R51 and today was my first shoot with it. It runs great. It's gonna be one of my carry guns.

Motto of the day: Get trained - go armed .....stay calm and return fire.


Howdy from your neighbor in North West Louisiana! Glad to have you with us, and also pleased to hear that you love your new R51. As time goes on, you will only fall more in love with it. It is surely one of the more underrated pieces out there.
"A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders."

                  - Larry Elder