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Could this be a "Strategic Withdrawal" by Remington?

Started by Biff Sarin, January 28, 2016, 11:00:04 AM

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Biff Sarin

I am going to float a theory here.

Like so many others, I purchased an R51 in May 2014 and returned it to Remington August 2014. It seems we have all had similar experiences with Customer Service regarding re-release promises which repeatedly (maddeningly) get moved out a quarter year further at a time.

I, at first, wondered why Remington didn't just admit they had an Edsel and scrap the whole program. Then it occurred to me.

If Remington admitted that they were dropping the R51 program then they would have to immediately refund or otherwise compensate all of the affected owners...all at once. I don't know how many of the pistols were originally sold, but I have to figure that there were a decent number. By stringing out the "redesign process" for years and slowly buying off owners with substitute R1 (1911) pistols or refunding their money, Remington can spread the financial hit across several fiscal quarters.

So I guess we have to ask ourselves: Are we, the most committed of Remington owners, being played for suckers by Remington? Is Remington just stringing us along and hanging onto our money, interest free, for as long as we let them?


Interesting theory and not out of the realm of reality. I'm really getting to the point or requesting some sort of resolution be it a R1 or some other arrangement. As far as dedication goes, I'm really patient when it comes to situations like this but I'm starting to lose it.